RelevantMD’s reputation management system provides your happy patients with a quick, easy way to post a 5-star review. You can choose which patients to send an invitation to leave a review, or RelevantMD can send a review invitation to all of your patients after every appointment.
Patient Reviews: More Important Than Ever
According to the US Census Bureau, about 14% of the US population packs up and moves every year. How do new move-in’s to your community find a new doctor?
They Google it!
And they’re looking for practices with many, good reviews. With RelevantMD you can encourage your patients to leave positive patient reviews, which helps your practice stand out from the crowd.
3 Reasons Why RelevantMD Makes Reputation Management Easy and Effective
1. Automated and Intelligent
After every appointment, RelevantMD will send your patients an invitation to leave a review by text or email. Automation builds volume to the total number of reviews your practice has received. The more the better!
Don’t want to send an invitation to every patient? Sending invitations only to select patients is not a problem. Give us a call and we’d be happy to show you how.
2. Easy to Use
All your patients need to leave a review is a finger! RelevantMD will send your patients a link (via text or email). With a quick tap of the finger (or click or the mouse), they will be redirected to a Google review page for your practice. What could be easier?
3. Easy to Manage
When a new review is created, you receive an instant notification and opportunity to respond. You’ll want to express appreciation for good reviews and acknowledge not-so-good reviews.

Try it before you buy it. Call today and let us know you want to try our service for 30 days. You’ll be under no obligation. In fact, we won’t even need a credit card to get started.
Call for details 800-201-1995.